I recently had my rights to comment on the Substack App terminated and I’m sure it was one of two medical doctors that took umbrage to my explanation of mitochondrial function in the cell. We have all been taught that the mitochondria in the cell through the Krebs cycle provide energy to the cell, ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
This erroneous explanation has been taught in college, graduate schools and medical schools for at least 80 years. But it is WRONG and now I will show you why.
Your cells are two-thirds water by volume; however, the water molecule is so small that if you were to count every molecule in your body, 99% of them would be water molecules. Your feet tote around a huge sack of mostly water molecules. (1)
Water in biological systems differs from bulk water. The properties of interfacial water are a result of the formation of exclusion zone (EZ) water along the hydrophilic (attracts water) cell wall. The (EZ) is an unexpectedly large zone of water that forms next to cell walls. It got its name because it excludes practically everything. The EZ contains a lot of negative charges. Sometimes it is referred to as water’s fourth phase.
Neither liquid nor solid, the EZ is perhaps best described as a liquid crystal (LC) with physical properties like those of Jello or a raw egg.
Water’s fourth phase stores energy in two modes, order, and charge separation. Order, also known as, configurational potential energy, is released as order gives way to disorder. For the working cell, this order-to-disorder transition is a central energy delivery mechanism. The second mode, charge separation, entails electrons carrying the EZ’s negative charge being separated from hydronium ions which bear the corresponding positive charge. Those separated charges resemble a battery — a local storehouse of potential energy.
The sun’s electromagnetic energy builds potential energy in water. Photons recharge the EZ by building order and separating charge. They do this by splitting water molecules, ordering the EZ, and thereby setting up one charge polarity in the ordered zone and the opposite polarity in the bulk water zone beyond. (1)
Would you believe that the membrane pump theory of the living cell that is taught worldwide today and used as the foundation for biomedical research is wrong? Essentially, we’ve been taught that a cell is a miniscule puddle of watery solution enclosed in a membrane carrying pumps. Ideally every educated person would know that this theory is wrong; but, few do. But as it turns out, this is one more lie that t the colleges and universities have taught students for over 100 years. I was fooled and only found the truth after hundreds of hours of research.
I didn’t just give up on the membrane- pump theory without seeing three independent proofs that it was wrong. According to the membrane-pump theory, the fundamental ability of living cells to maintain a chemical composition different from that of the surrounding fluids is due to the ceaseless activities of a battery of hypothetical pumps located in the cell membrane meaning that the much lower concentration of the sodium ion seen in living cells than in the surrounding area is due to a pump known as the sodium pump.
The membrane-pump theory in general and the sodium pump theory have been disproved because; 1. The cells do not have enough energy to run the pumps. 2. A healthy membrane sac without cell content does not pump out the sodium ion as the theory predicts. 3. A cell assembly without functional cell membrane and a sodium pump maintains a steady low sodium-ion concentration just like its normal intact counterpart. (2).
Biochemist Dr. Gilbert Ling introduced the association-induction hypothesis as a unifying, general theory of the living cell in 1962, entitled "A Physical Theory of the Living State: The Association-Induction Hypothesis".
The first word of the title, association, means that the three predominant components of the living cell, proteins, water, and potassium ions, are in close contact or association with each other and are not free. This is in direct contradiction of the widely accepted theory of free water and free ions. The second word, induction, indicates that the living cells and their constituent parts are electronic machines, where long-range information and energy transfer involved in the functional activities is achieved by repetitions of short-range propagation of electrical polarization and depolarization (induction).
The AI Hypothesis involves the introduction of microscopic physiology in which molecules, atoms, ions, and electrons replace and give new meanings to macroscopic concepts of membranes, pumps, rigid pores, semi-permeability etc. Central to this revolutionary leap under the banner of the AI Hypothesis is the introduction of the concept of the unit of microscopic protoplasm or nano-protoplasm as the smallest unit of life. Microscopic protoplasm or nano-protoplasm is the smallest unit of life as well as life’s ultimate physical basis.
To demonstrate its minute size and simplicity, consider a nano protoplasm unit from the cytoplasm of a mature human red blood cell. It can be represented by the formula: (Hb)1(H2O)7000(K+)20(ATP)1. Here (Hb)1 indicates the presence in the nano-protoplasm unit of one molecule of the protein specific to red blood cells, hemoglobin or Hb. The other three symbols in the formula indicate the number of water molecules (7000), potassium + (20), ATP (1)
All the water in our cells is in the fourth, or structured, phase. As with Jell-O, you can poke holes in it or squish it and you will never see water squirt out because the water is held together in a gel matrix which is formed through the interaction of a hydrophilic surface (proteins), water, and a heat source. The role of heat in Jello is to unfold the proteins so that they can attach to the water molecules. Without the heat the proteins remain tightly folded and can’t bond to water and no gel forms. Upon cooling, the characteristic gel forms. The water inside of our cells is similar. You start with water and the protein inside the cells, which then together form the characteristic fourth-state gel. What about the heat?
Dr. Ling discovered that ATP does not produce energy at all but instead produces heat in biological systems. Specifically, ATP binds to the end of the intracellular proteins, unfolding them, therefore allowing them to bind with the water in the cells to form gels. Without ATP, no gel forms, and the function of the cell collapses. This is the vital but misunderstood role of ATP in cellular biology.
K+(20) ions and ATP (1) molecule that are associated with each ferric hemoglobin molecule. Assumed to be spherical in shape, each nano-protoplasm unit measures 8.6 nanometers (1 billionth of a meter).
The three most abundant components in living cells are water, protein, and the potassium ion (K+). The individual units of each of these components are all directly or indirectly in contact or associated with one another. Through electronic polarization or induction, each entire nano-protoplasm unit or their bigger aggregate can function coherently. The cell exterior consists of water and Na+. Cell physiology is made of assemblies of water-protein-K+ in an environment of water and Na+. So, then, what keeps the cell from dispersing?
Cells exist largely because of the cohesive interaction among three major components: protein, ions, and water. Proteins provide the “scaffold” on which other proteins, ions, and water are anchored in a gel-like structure.
Ling pointed out that the fixed charge system, the β- and γ-carboxyl groups which selectively adsorb K+ over Na+ in the bulk-phase cytoplasm, could also act as the seat for the cellular resting potential when transplanted to the cell surface. Since the hydrated K+ is smaller than the hydrated Na +, it is energetically more favorable for K+ to be absorbed. So, K+ is selectively accumulated in the cell over Na+.
As a result, the cell becomes charged, can “do work,” and, because it then carries a charged halo at its exterior, is able to assume proper spatial orientation with other cells. Without the healthy sodium-potassium gradient, a cell loses its charge and, like a battery, becomes a dead cell. A dead cell loses its halo, clumps together with other cells, and forms the characteristic tumor that is one of the hallmarks of cancer. (3)
Any model that describes cellular parts and their relationships in error will cascade into errors and ill health for the patient.
This article is an excerpt from my book, The New Biology, coming out next year. It is very frustrating to me to watch this fiasco known as MD medicine maim our friends and neighbors because of the falsehoods taught them in the Pharmaceutical Medical Schools.
Take care of yourselves and your families.
Any questions or concerns, let me know.
The Truth is Out There,
(1) Pollack, Gerald. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor (p. 3). Ebner and Sons. Kindle Edition
(2) A Physical Theory of the Living State; the Association-Induction Hypothesis", Blaisdell Publishing Co, A Branch of Random House, Waltham, 1962, pp. 195-212
(3) . Cowan, Thomas. Cancer and the New Biology of Water (p. 33). Chelsea Green Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Finally! 🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩💯💯💯👌👌 Very interested in reading your book.
Fascinating. 🤔