The foundation of the immune theory is that we make proteins called antibodies, which are, in fact, globulins which are non-specific, unlike the specificity that is claimed. So, they're not specific to anything in any virus or any protein. So, they cannot be used in any way to identify a protein or antigen.
There have been thousands of papers going into the molecular details of how this specificity comes about. But the fact of the matter is, nobody has been able to prove specificity meaning one antibody is specific, that binds and only binds to one specific antigen or protein or part of a protein or toxin. That's what we mean by specific, in this case specific to the spike protein.
So, when these biomedical researchers say they’re finding full length spike proteins at elevated levels circulating in a vaccinated individual, they really mean they quantified and profiled SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell responses, and measured cytokines and SARS-CoV-2 antigens in the collected plasma samples. In plain English, they counted the non-specific immune system responses to God only knows what. Those T-cells and cytokines counted could have been the body’s responses to just about any protein. These scientists are calling these immune system responses specific when clearly, they are not. (2)
“No, there is no such thing as a monoclonal antibody that, because it is monoclonal, recognizes only one protein or only one virus. It will bind to any protein having the same (or a very similar) sequence.” Clifford Saper, one of the world’s leading authorities on monoclonal antibodies, Harvard Medical School professor (1)
Is there really mRNA in the Covid Vaccines?
It is claimed that a new technology has been invented to produce proteins called spike proteins to mimic virus infections. The purpose of the mRNA vaccine is to protect people from such attacks by injecting it into the body, which will then produce the needed spike protein using the body's mechanism at the cellular level. Once the spike protein is made, the body's reaction would create antibodies to protect the body from future virus attacks or infections.
First, you must obtain the active ingredient, mRNA. You either must make it yourself or buy it from a supplier. Now you have the active ingredient, the mRNA and then there's all the other stuff that goes into the formulation.
So, we're not interested in the other stuff. We're only interested in this so-called active ingredient, mRNA.
If you decide to purchase the mRNA, you must rely on the supplier’s information regarding what is present in the vials, and how it was synthesized. Generally, it has been synthesized by a fermentation process using culturing microbes, such as bacteria that is claimed to produce mRNA, which is then extracted and isolated, by the manufacturer. Once the culture has developed, chemicals are added to stop culturing fermentation, followed by purification. The last step is marked as formulation.
This production process of mRNA is simple, but very confusing, which may be why people do not correctly understand the manufacturing of the vaccine and its adverse effects. Supposedly, the active ingredient, mRNA, is the result.
But no step describes mRNA production. There is no step proving that this bacteria in this fermentation mat are making a specific mRNA.
So, there is no step here that proves, or demonstrates the specific production of this mRNA. There is no step that describes the purification process removing the DNA fragments of bacteria mat used in the fermentation process It's only assumed to be there.
The last step in the manufacturing process should be a pure and isolated mRNA compound. However, it is an "isolate", culture or gunk, possibly selectively concentrated compared to the one in the productive chamber.
They don’t appreciate the difference between culture isolate slime and pure isolated component, which is a critical misunderstanding, the same as the virus issue. This refers to the way that the government virologists separate the gunk to form an in-silica virus.
Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D. Stated, "Considering my extensive expertise and experience 40 plus years in separation science, including exhaustive training and experience in chromatography, I can confidently say that the steps described here would not be able to produce the claimed pure and isolated mRNA until shown otherwise."
"Another critical point is that it is impossible to monitor mRNA production because no test may be developed without the availability of the pure and isolated reference (mRNA) standard. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that mRNA production is based on assumption, not scientific or valid testing." (3)
In other words, if they can't come up with the pure isolated mRNA, there's no way to validate this procedure. And therefore, there's no way to claim that this procedure made the mRNA that they're saying is in there. Therefore, there's no way to even know that the mRNA is in there.
So again, there is no actual clear scientific evidence that this process would result in pure mRNA of a specific type that could be put into these vials, that could produce a spike protein, and that would be the saving grace of the pharmaceutical industry with further mRNA vaccines.
Picture #1 The Corona Effect and the Intracellular creation of exosomes due to chemical and radiation poisoning from reduced graphene oxide and microwave radiation.
#2 shows "The Corona Effect" and the Intracellular Birth of S1 Protein Spikes caused by Radiation and Chemical Poisoning, Not, a virus or mRNA
#3 This is a Micrograph of a cluster of reduced graphene oxide. Viewed in live unstained human blood with Contrast Microscopy at 1500x. Note that the red blood cells are clotting around the reduced graphene oxide in the center.
It's simply the old culturing non-specific stuff that they've been doing all along with viruses and claiming they're doing something a lot more sophisticated than they know how to do.
The 270,000,000 people who were vaccinated with this bioweapon may not produce spike proteins, but their DNA has been damaged forever just like all the vaccines before this one, going back to the polio virus. No mRNA producing circulating spike proteins. That’s all good, but the presence of foreign antigens such as the DNA or bacterial waste from the medium that the mRNA supposedly was grown in, within the cells of the host cannot fail to provoke auto-immune responses or something worse.
Tune in next week for the rest of the story: Inside the PEGylated lipid nanoparticle, the detectable supposed “RNA” is 6ng/ul and graphene oxide is 747 ng/ul making the graphene oxide (GO) 99.2% and the supposed “RNA” to be 0.8% of the vaccine by weight. Could GO be the inflammatory agent destroying people’s health and killing them? Tune in.
The Truth is Out There,
Shawn Loomis
(2) Yonker LM, etal. Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis. Circulation. 2023 Mar 14;147(11):867-876. doi: 1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.061025. Epub 2023 Jan 4. PMID: 36597886; PMCID: PMC1001066
(3) .
The pictures in this article are courtesy of Dr. Robert Young's Research Group.

Bait and switch is standard operating procedure. There is no mRNA in these shots as every animal trial with mRNA failed, killing ALL subjects. These papers were accessible prior to April 2020, then they were scrubbed or retracted. There is self assembling nano-technology, but no one would ever agree to have that injected, so they bullshitted the mRNA to hoodwink the science worshippers.
Thanks. They are just blinding people with the ‘science’.