In the past 5 years, I have met hundreds of parents of Autistic children. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they felt when they were first told by an MD, “Your child has Autism and there’s nothing that can be done.”
I’ve spent thousands of hours researching chronic illnesses that medical doctors say nothing can be done about it, but Naturopathic Doctors cure every day. I’m not a MD, ND or anyone with special knowledge but I do have a passion for research and the God given stubbornness to find the truth which has been hidden by the medical monopoly in the name of profits. Each “incurable” Autistic child is worth between 3-5 million dollars in profits. So, to the pharmaceutical companies, if 1/54 children is Autistic, they lick their greedy chops. If you do the math, we have 330 million people in this country. Divide that by 54 which equals 6,111,111 Autistic individuals X $5 million = $30 billion for the pharmaceutical companies, who since 1906 have looked at us as profit centers, not people.
So, how many vaccines do these children get? Twenty-six doses of nine vaccines by the first birthday; Forty-eight doses of fourteen vaccines by age six; A total of seventy doses of sixteen vaccines by age eighteen.
This is almost three times the recommended number of shots recommended by the CDC in 1983: Eleven doses of four vaccines by the first birthday; Twenty-two doses of seven vaccines by age six; A total of twenty-three doses of eight vaccines by age eighteen. (1)
I believe that chronic autoimmune conditions, including autism, are directly linked, though not limited to, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommended vaccination schedule, that most American children follow. It literally keeps me up at night thinking about all those innocents and their parents suffering.
So, I began with a few questions: Why do only some children become Autistic? What is different about the terrain of an Autistic child’s body vs. a child that does not develop Autism or any other Autoimmune condition for that matter? Is it genetic or epigenetic? Is Autism reversable? How?
First, let us define Autism. According to the DSM-V, the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, lists the following diagnostic criteria for ASD:
1. Deficits in social communication, interaction, reciprocity, interests, emotions, affect, and responses.
2. Deficits in nonverbal communication, eye contact, body language, gestures, facial expression, or understanding.
3. Deficits in relationships, sharing play, making friends, or interest in peers.
4. Stereotyped or repetitive movements, such as echolalia, repeated phrases, lining up toys, insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines or ritualized behavior.
5. Highly restricted, fixated interests of abnormal focus and intensity.
6. Hyper- or hypo reactivity to sensory input (sounds, textures, smells, light).
That’s right Autism is a mental disorder located in the brain. Psychiatrists like other medical professionals are interventionists who isolate and treat symptoms. They could care less about the cause or even the body as a whole. (2)
#1. Why do some children become Autistic while others do not?
Differences in terrain: Some children are born with healthy immune systems. Others are not. In a healthy immune system, the whole length of the digestive tract is coated with a bacterial layer, much like a thick layer of turf on the surface of the gut epithelium, providing a natural barrier against invaders, undigested food, toxins, and parasites. Just like soil unprotected by grass becomes eroded, the gut wall suffers if its protective bacterial layer gets damaged. How do our indigenous bacteria protect the gut wall? They provide a physical barrier, they work against invasive pathogenic microbes by producing antibiotic-like substances, anti-fungals, anti-virals, including interferon, and surfactins, that dissolve membranes of viruses and bacteria. They engage the immune system to respond appropriately to invaders. In addition, by producing organic acids, the beneficial bacteria reduce pH near the wall of the gut to 4.0–5.0, making an uncomfortable acidic environment for growth and activity of bad microbes, which require more alkaline surroundings.
The gut flora is estimated to be around 80–85% of our total immune system. A microscopic examination of a biopsy of the gut wall shows that in healthy individuals there is a thick bacterial band attached to gut mucosa, keeping it intact and healthy.
People with Autism and other autoimmune syndromes have a compromised immune system. When their immune status is tested, deficiencies in various immunoglobulins are found, while other immunoglobulins may be increased out of proportion. Deficiencies in various cells, enzymes and other parts of the immune system are common. It appears that the whole immune system of Autistic children and adults is out of balance. But the scariest thing that happens is that their immune system starts to produce antibodies attacking their own tissues, including the brain and the rest of the nervous system. It is an immune system deeply upset and out of control.
Essential or beneficial bacteria in our digestive system include a particularly important part of the immune system, the lymphoid tissue of the gut wall, and take part in the production of large numbers of lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. For example, in the cell wall of Bifidobacteria (the good bacteria largely populating the human colon) there is a substance called Muramil Dipeptide which activates synthesis of one of the most important groups of immune system cells, lymphocytes. As a result, a healthy gut wall is jampacked with lymphocytes, ready to protect the body from any invader. Scientific research shows that in people with damaged gut flora there are far fewer lymphocytes in the gut wall. Lymphocytes in the gut wall produce immunoglobulins. The most important one in the gut is Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA). Secretory IgA is a substance which is produced by lymphocytes in all mucous membranes in the body and excreted in the body.
Lymphocytes are not the only immune cells which should be present in abundance in the digestive wall. When there is a deficiency of beneficial bacteria in the gut, other groups of immune cells, called neutrophils and macrophages cannot do their job properly either. These are the cells which gather in infected and inflamed tissues and clean them up by swallowing viruses, toxins, bacterial and cellular debris and destroying them. Approximately 126 billion neutrophils per day leave the blood and pass through the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. In people with abnormal gut flora these cells reduce their ability to tackle antigens; in other words, they can’t destroy invaders and their toxins efficiently, even when their swallowing ability may appear to be normal. This will allow viruses, bacteria, and other invaders to survive and persist inside of neutrophils and macrophages, the very cells which are supposed to destroy them. Apart from ensuring the appropriate function of lymphocytes, IgA and phagocytes, healthy gut flora takes an important part in the production of interferons, cytokines and many other active regulators of immune response, particularly in fighting viral infections.
There are two major parts of the immune system. The cell-mediated immune system is characterized by the activity of the white blood cells. The function of the cell-mediated immune system is to respond, both chemically and by sending in white blood cells, to areas of the body that have been “invaded” by a foreign substance. The foreign substance could be a microbe, such as a virus, bacteria, or fungi, or it could be a toxin, such as aluminum or mercury. The second part of the immune system is the humoral immune system characterized by antibodies that attach themselves to specific proteins, or antigens, on the invader and either destroy them or mark them for destruction by other cells.
Then, through the humoral immune system, antibodies form in response to an antigen unique to the virus causing the disease. This usually takes six to eight weeks. Then if the virus is encountered again, the antibodies will quickly neutralize the virus before it has a chance to infect any cells and the cell-mediated immune system never needs to get involved, meaning the person will never experience symptoms from that virus again.
Modern medicine is really an assault on the cell-mediated immune system. Nothing illustrates this better than the administration of vaccines. We inject a child with a piece of the virus hoping to stimulate an antibody response without the cell-mediated response. But the antigen on its own won’t produce a reaction from the humoral immune system so the vaccine manufacturers add a little bit of an an adjuvant such as aluminum to trigger the immune system. (3)
An underactive cell-mediated immune system and an overactive humoral immune system is the usual picture in chronic viral infections, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, asthma, eczema, autism and most other GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) conditions. Why? Because all these conditions, though the symptoms are quite different, all have one thing in common, abnormal gut flora, which is the major balancing agent between the cellular and the humoral immune systems. (4)
A 2005 study of cases showed autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to be much broader than simply a neuropsychiatric disturbance. ASD also includes global immune dysregulation, inflammatory bowel disease, and increased susceptibility to infections and inflammation. So, the big question is, is Autism a brain disorder or a disorder that affects the brain? (5)
Why are some babies born with damaged gut flora?
Every one of us carries a unique mixture of microbes in the gut. Under the influence of drugs and other factors, this gut flora will be damaged and passed from generation to generation as a newborn child gets its gut flora from the mother. And as the damage is passed through generations, it gets deeper and more severe. (6)
What Can Damage the Gut Flora?
Antibiotics have a devastating effect on beneficial bacteria in the human body, not only in the gut but in other organs and tissues. They change bacteria, viruses, and fungi from benign to pathogenic, giving them the ability to cause disease. Antibiotics make bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics have a direct damaging effect on the immune system, making us more vulnerable to infections, which leads to a vicious cycle of more antibiotics and more infections.
Most drugs, when taken for long periods of time have a damaging effect on gut flora. Pain killers, aspirin, ibuprofen taken for long periods of time stimulate growth of bacteria that destroy red blood cells and Campylobacter in the gut, all of which can cause disease. Steroid drugs damage gut flora and weaken the immune system.
Birth control pills are often taken for many years, often from a young age. They have a devastating effect on the gut flora. A woman by the time she is ready to have children may have taken on birth control for many years and has an abnormal gut flora. A baby is born with a sterile gut and receives most of its gut flora from the mother. So, if the mother has an abnormal gut flora, that is what she will pass to her child, predisposing this child to eczema, asthma, and other allergies, and in severe cases learning disabilities.
For instance, a grandmother has mild digestive problems because of low-key gut dysbiosis (imbalance of the microorganisms that live in the body). She passes moderately abnormal gut flora to her daughter. On top of that she decides not to breastfeed, because it is not fashionable. As a result, her daughter suffers from allergies, migraines, and digestive problems. Then she takes contraceptive pills from the age of 16, which deepens the damage to her gut flora, not to mention a few courses of antibiotics along the way for various infections and a diet of fast foods. After 10 years of being “on the pill” she has children, to whom she passes her seriously abnormal gut flora. Her children develop digestive and immune problems. In many cases, the father of the child may not have a normal gut flora and naturally the father is a major contributor to a mother’s vaginal flora through regular sexual contact. In fact, there are rare cases when the mother did not show symptoms of Gut Dysbiosis, but the father did. I sometimes wonder if any baby born has a healthy gut microbiome. Think about that scenario above. If the grandmother has 3 children and they each have 3 children, pretty soon the whole country is populated with sickly weak people with an unhealthy microbiome susceptible to autoimmune diseases including autism.
When the healthy bacteria in the gut are unable to fulfill their functions, opportunistic bacteria take over. Each type of opportunistic flora can cause disease by itself.
Many cells in the body produce histamine. However, it is also produced by opportunistic bacteria in the gut. When these opportunistic bacteria overgrow, due to the lack of control by the beneficial flora, they start producing too much histamine. Histamine takes part in many different functions in the body. An excess of histamine causes all these functions to go wrong with an excess of histamine coming into the blood. The common symptoms of this condition are allergies, constantly low blood pressure, excessive production of body fluids, such as saliva, dysfunction of the hypothalamus, and hormonal changes.
A severe deficiency in sulphates has been found in 95% of autistic children. Sulphate-reducing bacteria play an important cause this deficiency. Sulphates are needed in the body for detoxification and normal metabolism of brain neurotransmitters. An overgrowth of sulphate-reducing bacteria reduces the sulfates needed.
Autistic children and adults develop an overgrowth of pathological flora in their bodies. One group of these pathogens are yeasts, including the various Candida species. Yeast requires glucose and other sugars as food. In healthy people dietary glucose gets converted into energy through glycolysis. In people with yeast overgrowth Candida highjacks the glucose and through fermentation, converts glucose into alcohol, and acetaldehyde.
Alcohol is very toxic, particularly for a child. There is no part of the body that will not suffer from the constant supply of alcohol even in tiny amounts. Here are just a few results of chronic presence of alcohol in the body:” • Reduced ability of the stomach wall to produce stomach acid. • Pancreas degeneration with reduced ability to produce pancreatic enzymes, which impairs digestion. Direct damage to gut lining, causing malabsorption. • Nutritional deficiencies through malabsorption of most vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Deficiencies in B and A vitamins are particularly common. • Damage to the immune system. • Liver damage with reduced ability to detoxify drugs, pollutants and other toxins. • Inability of the liver to dispose of old neurotransmitters, hormones and other by-products of normal metabolism. As a result, these substances accumulate in the body, causing behavioral abnormalities and many other problems. • Brain damage with lack of self-control, impaired co-ordination, impaired speech development, aggression, mental retardation, loss of memory and stupor. • Peripheral nerve damage with altered senses and muscle weakness. • Direct muscle tissue damage with altered ability to contract and relax and muscle weakness. • Alcohol has an ability to enhance toxicity of most common drugs, pollutants, and other toxins. • Alteration of metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in the body.” (6)
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, oats and barley. Casein is a milk protein, present in humans and all other milk. In the bodies of an Autistic person these proteins do not get digested properly and turn structures to opiates, such as morphine and heroin. There has been quite a substantial amount of research done in this area by Dr. Robert Cade who found improvement in 81% of autistic children within 3 months of removing casein and gluten from the child’s diet in most of the behavior categories. This study was done using 128 boys with autism (ages 3.5-16 years) and 22 autistic girls (ages 3.5-14 years). His data provides support for the proposal that many patients with autism suffer due to absorption of exorphins (opioid like substances) formed in the intestine from incomplete digestion of gluten and casein. (7)
Other frightening toxic substances have been found in autistic children by biochemist Dr Alan Friedman. These chemicals are called deltorphin and dermorphin, that were first found on the skin of poisonous dart frogs in South America. The natives dipped their darts into the mucus on these frogs to paralyze their enemies, because these chemicals are extremely potent neurotoxins. Dr Friedman believes that a fungus, which grows on the frog’s skin makes this poison. It is possible that this fungus grows in the gut of autistic children as well.
Vaccination is a huge insult to the immune system. The manufacturers of vaccines produce them for children with normal immune systems which will react to these vaccines in a predictable way. Following all the publicity on this issue, many parents do not vaccinate their children at all. There are a growing number of GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) children who have not been vaccinated. Yet they suffer from autism, ADHD, asthma, eczema and other GAPS problems. It is the state of the child’s immune system that appears to be the decisive factor, not the vaccines. (8)
So, while MMR and other vaccines may not be the direct cause of autism, in immune-compromised children they can do a lot of harm and in some children may well provide the trigger which starts the disorder.
Vaccines are given primarily in the first 18 months after birth. The human brain undergoes intense and rapid development during this period. The formation of synapse connections between neurons is especially intense during this time. If you were going to pick the time in a child’s life to inflict maximum damage to the brain this would be it.
Aluminum (Al) adjuvants travel into the brain. Al particles are carried through the blood-brain barrier and into the brain by macrophages. Particle transport into the brain by macrophages is well-established. Aluminum is elevated in the brains of humans with autism and is elevated in the blood of infants later diagnosed with autism. This suggests that neonates with high MCP-1 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) that regulates and attracts macrophages and will elevate Al adjuvant transport into the brain when injected with Al containing vaccines. This is consistent with Al adjuvants causing autism by inducing immune activation and elevated levels of inflammation in the brain.
Immune activation is recognized as a valid cause for autism, schizophrenia, and other disorders. Research has identified interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin17a (IL-17) inflammation markers as specific cytokines responsible for autism.
Immune activation in infants can cause brain injury. This is because the brain develops for years after birth. For example, synapse formation, which is disrupted by IL-6, is most intense at ages 0-2, when vaccines are given.
Early life immune activation causes many abnormalities associated with autism: mitochondrial dysfunction, Purkinje cell ( large branched nerve cell in the brain) loss, microbiome dysbiosis, chronic brain inflammation, and autoimmunity. It is established beyond reasonable doubt that autism is caused by immune/microglial activation and IL-6/IL-17 specifically. Vaccines are designed to cause immune activation.
The problem is not just vaccines, however. Glyphosate, also known as Roundup, is also an integral part of this, as Dr. Zach Bush has shown. Dr. Bush found that glyphosate stimulates zonulin production, which opens the gaps in our intestinal wall and blood-brain barrier. Zonulin creates a situation where the blood is exposed to toxins and antigens, which normally would have been unable to escape the gut wall. Once in the blood, excessive zonulin also facilitates toxins’ passage through the blood-brain barrier, allowing them into the brain, to which the body responds with a liquefying, inflammatory process.
Unfortunately, glyphosate is on most of the feed on which conventionally raised animals are raised, and gelatin obtained from these animals is the medium on which many of the viruses used to make vaccines are grown. Glyphosate is a normal component of most vaccines and most of the food our families are eating. Glyphosate on food opens the gut to toxins; glyphosate in vaccines opens the blood-brain barrier to these toxins. (10)
There is not a single virus that we currently vaccinate for that has ever been properly isolated and proven to cause disease and yet we continue to stick these poisons into the bodies of our young children and unwary adults killing, weakening and maiming them.
Toxic Exposure in the Womb
Do not believe that things are that simple There’s more to it than just a damaged immune system and vaccines. The fetus accumulates most toxins which the mother is exposed to. Mercury from amalgam fillings, toxins coming from food and environment and toxins produced by abnormal gut flora in the mother have a good chance of accumulating in the fetus. Depending on how toxic the mother is during pregnancy different babies are born with a different toxic load. A baby with a high toxic load will start life at a disadvantage, being more vulnerable to various environmental influences: vaccinations, infections, food, drugs, etc. That is why the old wisdom of treating pregnancy with respect is so important. A pregnant woman must be extremely careful what she puts into her mouth and on her skin. A good quality diet, plenty of rest, plenty of clean, fresh air and gentle physical activity are all vitally important.
Let us have a look at what is happening to children in our modern society. If you look around, how many healthy children do you see? Childhood asthma, eczema, diabetes, allergies, hay fever, digestive disorders, ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders have all gained epidemic proportions! Most siblings of autistic children have eczema, asthma or another autoimmune disease.
And though all these health problems appear to be different, they have one thing in common, a compromised immune system. A compromised immune system is not going to react to an insult in the same way. (6)
Is there any combination of the basic principles of science, morality, and common sense that can make a rational case for our present policy of requiring everyone to be vaccinated, even against their will if necessary?
Taken together, all these unaffordable enthusiasms bear witness to a sincere, virtually universal, blind faith in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, as a kind of baptism into the religion of modern medicine, the main result of which is to stifle the minds and creativity of generations of Americans. This is scientism, the alter at which more people worship than worship at the altar of God.
The only way this is ever going to get better is to force our government regulatory agencies, the FDA, USDA, CDC, NIH, NIHD and all the other alphabet soup agencies, to do their jobs and protect the public. We are the sickest nation by far in the world. Our government has made it clear that it has no interest in protecting us. So, we have to protect ourselves, our friends and neighbors by arming ourselves with the truth. We have over 72 million adults with autoimmune diseases, 1 in 54 people currently are on the Autism spectrum, soon to be 1 in 3.
For the first time ever, two American politicians have vowed to make these agencies do their jobs, RFK Jr. when he dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump, and Donald Trump. Trump and RFK Jr had a mutual contact that was advising both on a safe food initiative. Both men were already looking into this issue before the endorsement. It looked like a partnership made in heaven. The liberal news establishment says that Trump is disingenuous about reducing pollution because he slashed environmental regulations. They ignore the fact that the US reduced carbon emissions more than any other industrialized nation during Trump’s presidency. The Democratic leadership paints American Industry as being greedy bastards who don’t give a flip about the environment. This is patently false. When Trump was president before, he tried to follow through on all the promises he had made. I believe their promise to make Americans healthy again was genuine. But the Administrative State will not give up their control easily. It’s worth a shot. Vote your conscience.
Also, the next article will cover ways to reverse Autism and other GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diseases.
Take care of yourselves and your families.
Any questions or concerns, let me know.
The Truth is Out There,
(1) .
(2) “Vaccine Requirements vs. Federal Vaccine Recommendations,” National Vaccine Information Center, 2018.
(3) DSM-V, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed., American Psychiatric Association, 2013, Section II, “Diagnostic Criteria and Codes, Neurodevelopmental Disorders.”
(4) Moskowitz, Richard. Vaccines: A Reappraisal. Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.
(5) Herbert, M., “Autism: a Brain Disorder, or a Disorder That Affects the Brain?” Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2:354, 2005
(6) Campbell-McBride, M.D., Natasha. Gut and Psychology Syndrome . Medinform Publishing. Kindle Edition
(7) Cade R et al. Autism and schizophrenia: intestinal disorders. Nutritional Neuroscience, March 2000.
(8) Campbell-McBride, Natasha. Gut and Physiology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, Arthritis, Gut Problems, Fatigue, Hormonal Problems, Neurological Disease and More (p. vi). Medinform Publishing. Kindle Edition
(9) Cowan, Dr. Thomas. Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness . Chelsea Green Publishing. Kindle Edition.
(10) Alessio Fasano, “Zonulin, Regulation of Tight Junctions, and Autoimmune Diseases,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1258, no. 1 (2012): 25–33.
Hi Shawn - my wife and I started GAPS a few months ago - and the positive changes have been amazing.
I've done research into autism as well, and the correlation to EMF is certainly a strong one, as EMF also disrupts microglia with an overactivation of IL-6:
Wow, Shawn, you are a gift to us... Amazing work, thank you, thank you!