
I'm stuck here. Health and the high cost of living. The 5g pollution is everywhere during the day. There are over 200,000 satellites beaming & 72 million satellites. I'd move to Wyoming but it's so expensive to move

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I BELIEVE YOU, Shawn! I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Shawn. You're such a great person, a friend, even just online. Please know that people ARE waking up to this epidemic, pandemic-- OF TOO-STRONG RADIATION all over the world. I pray for all of us who have noticeable, and debilitating, or seriously harming, symptomology.

I'm keeping you on my OM list, and my Emaho! list, too.

And also try chanting this, and I wrote it down, so don't feel bad writing it down, too.

Emaho! Penno, Penno, Soha!

This translates to roughly: "Behold! May it be Beneficial! Let it be!" I'm not sure I've got the EXACT translation, it in Tibetan. But it brings up the vibrations of the world.

xo xo xo

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And I think we should have MARCHES AGAINST 5G. Soha!

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Some communities have marches. It's a great Idea. Thanks for the chant. I pray in Aramaic which sounds like a chant. My motto is to each his own.

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Works for me, brotherman. :)

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My bf and I remodeled a condo and i hoped the buzzing would go away that i hear in my own house that has 4 meters on it. (Townhouse)

Nothing changed but then we went on a road trip and spent most of the time in the woods w no service.

I slept great, in a Sprinter van.

I have a $5k mattress at home 🤨

When i got home and the buzzing returned i realized what it was.

I also had “covid” (i dont believe it exists but i was down for 14 days. I am just thankful that i fasted and reset immune) and now im wondering what towers were installed at that time!?

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Doctors call it long covid. It has the same symptoms as EHS. yes towers are being installed all the time. Many are on electric poles and look like traffic cameras. Just resting and staying inside away from all the back and forth traffic between towers, satellites, and all the wireless communications will allow your body to heal. The symptoms are your immune system's way of healing the inflammation caused by 5G. i have posted some great information about the science behind this. Also, fasting is a great way of lessening the toxins you're exposed to, giving your immune system a chance to work.

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I live entirely on a state pension, in subsidised rental housing, so have no option of moving or modifying my residence. I live in an apartment block and so am surrounded by everyone else's 5G phones. I am also close to a naval base and a military rifle range. So lots of nasty EMFs around. I too have found shungite to protect me to some degree and I now wear it 24 hours a day, but if I go to the local regional town I still collapse, with or without it. I am unable to use protective clothing as I overheat and sweat under it, and just know my body electrics are even worse. I do find deliberate grounding somewhere natural, and some level of sun-seeking, both help but only very short term.

All that by way of an introduction to the questions I am currently asking. And they are questions that I would love others to respond to openly, in the spirit of investigation.

Is more shungite better, up to what point? Shungite is relatively cheap and so even poor pensioners like myself can build it up a bit, if we deem that to be useful.

Can other black stones offer protection, such as cheap garden black volcanic scoria used in pot plants and around windows etc?

Can we eat or drink protection? We know that certain foods protected the Hiroshima Japanese from radiation poisoning. Different kind of radiation, yes, but might the same principle apply? Could we drink green tea or something similar, that is good for overall health anyway, to actually protect against the kind of radiation we are getting from military installations and from 5G? This would seem like the best overall approach because we would be protected wherever we go, wearing our protection at the cellular or even mitochondrial level rather than externally to our bodies or built into our buildings.

I hold a firm conviction, that there is a simple anti-dote for everything "they" are doing to us, because "they" do not want to kill themselves and they still need some able bodied human beings to do their dirty work. So I strongly believe that there is some simple remedy, probably in pill form, to protect our bodies from the nasty EMFs. We just have to find it. Similarly there will be some simple remedy to get nanotechnology out of the blood, we just have to find it.

I would love to form a brainstorming group where we research the options and allow ourselves to consider novel solutions/

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I already use an iodine supplement to break up the calcification around my prostate. Not sure if it helps with the inflammation caused by EMF radiation

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These are good articles. Very similar list of supplements to those listed by chatGPT. i haven't personally used iodine.

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Hi Shawn, thank you for sharing your story. Have you tried shutting the power off at night to your bedroom?

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I sleep inside a Faraday tent, only .2% of any EMF gets through including dirty electricity. Thanks, for the tip

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Thanks for your reply Shawn. Out of curiousity - which tent do you use?

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I made my own out of 3 layers of conducive material that I bought from vendors on Amazon. Tested the EMF level after with a meter before and after.

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Shawn -- A very loving act for you to come forward and share your personal experience like this. I'm here for you when you're ready.

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I'd like to look at your offerings. Thanks, Shawn

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I messaged you.

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I have a patient who is unjabbed but developed a stroke with positive D-dimers through spike protein shedding. He has the same thing you have: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. Whenever he is around a jab patient through the nanoparticles stuff in the jab, he develops brain fog, slurred speech, and extreme headaches. Since most of his family is jabbed, he moved to an A.D.U. Away from the 5 G stuff, away from his family. He lives a very hermit life now. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, around 10-15 percent of people will severely react to the "dirty energy." I am interested in how you are treating yourself. God Bless.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Author

The mRNA wasn't successfully cloned. Also, medical people who claim that there's a specific anti body and count those anti bodies are dead wrong. That's how they determine the number of spike proteins. There is no such thing as a specific anti body. Read this, THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. It's carefully researched. Dr. Mercola is wrong. There are other toxins that the people he's around that could be causing the reaction. The 5G affects everybody. Most just don't feel. It's a shame that MDs are not taught biophysics.

Maybe you should read more of my articles.

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I think that many people are suffering a similar fate, they are repeatedly exposed to shedding, and over time blood circulation suffers ... Rashid Buttar (at 20:15 in the podcast) says that he had a stroke after an episode of shedding, causing his D-dimer to be 16 times higher than normal, he died not long after:



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Shedding might be one explanation. But nano graphene oxide is a probable one as well. GO is being sprayed on us daily. Most of the chemtrails you see in the sky are GO. The GO is inhaled, eaten on all of our foods. GO has sharp edges causing inflammation, heart attacks and clots, D-dimers which if the tests are accurate would also account for the quantities of the D-dimers. Throw in the 60 Ghz 5G radiation which affects every cell in your body and there’s a stroke.

This is a Micrograph of a cluster of reduced graphene oxide. Viewed in live unstained human blood with Contrast Microscopy at 1500x. Note that the red blood cells are clotting around the reduced graphene oxide in the center. It’s not shedding it’s caused by a toxin, Graphene Oxide. Medical doctors make this mistake all the time. Please take the time to read my post. THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD


I hope youre not the type to be offended by a conversation of this type. Shawn

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Hello, very interesting post.

Is there a source for the varying symptoms from person to person caused by Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome?

I have symptoms that appeared suddenly, some similar to those described in Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome ... some hyper-flammatory, especially of the skin, muscle weakness and so on. All seemingly out of nothing. The usual analyzes show that everything is fine.

The only differential diagnosis is to leave the electromagnetically contaminated environment. After how long would the symptoms disappear?

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I believe you, Shawn. The closest 5G mast to my home is about three city blocks away. Well before it was installed, I had already been suffering from EMF hypersensitivity.

When I learned that my symptoms were caused by EMF radiation, I immediately set out to hardwire my home, while knowing that the neighbors’ WiFi signals will still be coming through my home as well as the cell towers’ signals in my city. We can’t stop them, but we can minimize them.

It helped to a degree, but I still continued to get headaches daily, even migraines some days.

I kept doing research on what other ways I could help my situation, and I came across a device that sounded very promising. I’ve been using it for a couple of years now, and have been headache-free about six months in after starting to use it. Not only do I not have any issues within my own home, but I can go anywhere WiFi is being used - which is everywhere - and no matter how long I’m in that place, no symptoms crop up.

I’m amazed at how much this device continues to help me. Best regards!

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Thanks for sharing. It's always good to hear about a positive outcome. What device are you using?

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why dont you move as soon as possible?

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Hey Shawn, I want to tell you about my experience with Shungite because I tried to put it in my house and paint it on the walls. It created more magnetic energy so I feel you would be better off putting glass in your pockets or crystals other than Shungite. Let me know how it goes.

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I've considered that but most likely your experience was with fake Shungite and I've never seen it in a paint Thanks, Though Shawn

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Thanks for sharing. We need to keep putting this information out there. I had hints of sensitivity many years ago when I had a TomTom Runner watch. Whenever I connected to WiFi/satellite when trying to map a run - within approx 40min I would start having a tachycardic event needing to sit on the side of the road, once disconnecting my symptoms would subside, they were shortlived. It only happened when connecting to WiFi/ satellite - at this time in my life I did not know about adverse health effects related to WiFi etc - I simply stopped using the watch to map runs and eventually threw away. Eventually a webinar I came across through my own health professional studies - explaining a similar occurrence as mine - I then started to take note and made changes in the house as a preventative - ie got rid of wireless devices over time, hard wired the computer etc - except for the watch - I didn't think I was symptomatic or sensitive. However these changes made a difference - slept better, felt calmer - I hadn't realised I had become edgy/agitated - very subtle - just with simple changes. Therefore I believe most people don't know what it feels like to be healthy and well - this is slowly being eroded by this technology. I thought I had done everything to protect myself and my family's home environment. Come Sept 2021 - my life was destroyed overnight when a smart meter rollout happened in my street. Literally overnight - I became hypersensitive to all wireless radiation and EMF's. We had not consented to this installation and was done without our consent . Meters show RF (measured with Safe and Sound Pro 11) penetrating all our bedroom walls which are down one side of the house and excessive levels of dirty electricity( measured with electrical line meter) coming either from the meter itself through switch mode power supply (ours has card removed) and/or from the grid. I can only be in the house short periods of time because of the dirty electricity. Like yourself - I sleep in a tent outside - where it is well sheltered - my body intuitively found this - when I got meters I was able to confirm why. I live in Perth Western Australia. In 2021 - we had no COVID deaths in our state - yet we had excessive deaths. Small antennas and our utility companies were working overtime since 2020 - people in my community are unwell. My father who lived in the same house but didn't believe he was symptomatic - started waking depressed each morning within weeks of the rollout - my father never had a history of mental illness in his entire life. Within 3 months on a routine blood test he had raised inflammatory markers which were ignored by his Dr. Come December 2023 - my father dies suddenly of an aggressive myeloid leukaemia - only diagnosed days before his death, this coincided with another sudden death of a lady in our street - middle aged. Medical professionals do not know what they are doing, they are simply medicating their patients according to symptoms and sending them home back to their toxic environment. I have never had COVID or had the vaccination - yet when I am around this technology - I experience what people call COVID symptoms. The only remedy that works for me is avoidance of this exposure. I have always adopted good lifestyle factors - I do most things that people in this space have done - and I am very careful. As I go into a 'very dark place' when I get exposed to this technology - I haven't really found a way to live with this - apart from being a prisoner on my own property is the only way I can keep myself well. Finding a low EMF environment is becoming more and more difficult as the rural areas have already been infiltrated with this technology and cell towers now in every country town. Look forward to reading your work.

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Thanks for your thoughtful note. You might enjoy some of my previous articles, Covid 19- The World’s Biggest Mass Murder, 5G- Internet of Things, & THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. All of them have information you'd be interested in They've known that both depression and anxiety are caused by EMF's and called neurasthenia& cured by avoiding the EMF's. You're right doctors are deliberately not taught Biophysics because it can't be cured by toxic drugs. If they were taught this very important information. this information and the resources behind it are in those articles somewhere. I look forward to your thoughtful comments in the future. Please share these articles with anyone you know and care about. Shawn

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As the electrosmog increases I am feeling more and more ill. I don't care if people don't believe me. They are all getting ill too.

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I believe you Shawn! I’ve had similar reactions for quite some time. During the middle of Covid (I didn’t take any shots or tests) I started feeling power everywhere and now I’m so affected by it. I can’t use a device plugged into the wall even my blender is to much or turning on electric oven. Can’t have my phone on WiFi or Bluetooth to write this or I get impulsive itching into my hands and arms it’s so awful. It debilitates me!

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